The species were first encountered by the USS
Voyager, in the Delta Quadrant. Starfleet had learned that they seem to
posses organic biomass ships, or in other words: "Living tissues". The
species' fire-power is enormous, especially when form around in circle,
combining their energy to a middle ship. In such case, they have enough
fire-power to destroy even a star. They emit a bio-electric field that
disrupts the transporter, preventing getting a lock on or near them, or
scanning them (For location, inner hull, etc.). The cells of this species
are densely coded and have more than one hundred times the DNA a human
cell would have. They have an extraordinary immune response. Anything that
enters the cell membrane are immediately destroyed. Therefore, the Borg
can't assimilate them. They are highly resistant to all forms of technology.
They are capable of living in the vacuum of space with no life support.
They can also crawl along the hull of a starship without additional support,
which makes them dangerous opponents in hand-to-hand combat.
However, a scientific force including the best
of scientists such as Dr. Julian Bashir, Mr. Data, Mr. Spock and much others
were able to find find a weakness spot, which is to inject a virus the
their body recognize as an ansime, but after certain time it destroys the
cell it self, and causes a slow, but fatal chain reaction after which the
body it self dies.
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